Saturday, July 2, 2011

Dropping the hook

We spent the minimum 24 hours in Victoria doing chores: clearing customs, receiving the work visa, applying for our Social Insurance Numbers, setting up bank accounts, and buying a cell phone. Then we got out of there. It's not that Victoria isn't lovely, it's just that moorage is $70 a night!!

We managed to get the sails up for a little bit on Tuesday afternoon, but cranked the motor back on when we converged with two tankers, a ferry, a sailboat, and a tug and tow. (Sorry, I was too busy navigating to get the picture, but it was very bizarre; we were sailing along with the channel completely to ourselves when from every corner boats appeared and all wanted to go a different direction!)

We pulled into Montague harbor on Galliano Island at about 7:00, dropped the anchor, unstrapped the dinghy, and headed to shore for a walk. It felt good to be off the dock and away from the big city. The anchorage was peaceful and the sunset was spectacular.

John, rowing us to shore (having listened to the engine most of the day, we opted for the oars over the outboard)

Things up here are BIG!

But other things, like this beach, are very little.

Isn't she pretty?


  1. Thank you for sharing your adventures !! This is like unto reading a novel ~ maybe one day you can make it into one. I really admire your stamina !!!

  2. Thanks for posting these little snippets of your adventures!
